• Date of O.G. Review: 05/11/23
  • Genre: Coffee Bar
  • 4/5 Stars
  • Address: 2101 Front Street, Cuyahoga Falls OH

1st Time

  • Drink Tried: Mole Latte

This coffee bar (that also serves alcohol!) is situated in the middle of Downtown Cuyahoga Falls-a newly renovated downtown with many locally owned restaurants and shops. Downtown is perfect for anyone whether it be going out with friends, on a date, or taking your little ones out. To find the coffee bar you have to know what an asterisk is (*) because that is what you’ll have to look for on the front door.

I’ve been here twice now-my mom and I thought we’d go downtown after seeing this coffee shop on the Downtown CF website. It took some looking around but we finally found it after seeing the asterisk! We walked in and noticed how modern of decor Asterisk had. It didn’t give that cozy coffee shop feel but gave that “I’m going to order and leave” kind’ve feel and that’s exactly what my mom and I did.

Both times I’ve been there the service was good and immediate-no lines or anything. There were some-not a lot- of people sitting in this coffee bar. It was a beautiful, sunny morning when we went. The menu is very unique and diverse. You, of course, have your usual “every coffee bar has” drinks (like your latte’s and cold brew’s). I did like how they had an alcohol menu because it says that this coffee bar can be coffee during the day then transform into a night-life spot in the evening with their alcoholic beverages. To me, it’s a smart move.

My mom and I were feeling adventurous and we got one of their specialty drinks the “mole latte” which contains espresso with mole syrup, cocoa powder, and chocolate milk. Dessert in a cup! We got iced but that still didn’t dissolve the spicy kick it had to it. It was different than what I usually get but really good. It was spicy yet smooth (8/10).

Second Time

  • Drink Tried: Regular Latte

The second time around I went basic and got their iced latte. It was actually better than Starbucks. Now, you might be wondering, “Bella, why would you go basic for a coffee review?” Well, since I got their specialty drink beforehand and that was delicious-I trust that their most basic drink would be delicious too and I proved myself right. I do believe if their specialty drink sucks-so will their most basic drink.

Overall, I highly recommend Asterisk. Not only can you sit inside and outside you can also take it and head some of the shops nearby or walk down by the river. The service was great and the second time around it felt personable with the gentleman that made my drink and made an effort to talk to me (and serve with a smile lol). The only thing that I did not like, and this is just my opinion, was the modernity of the place. But the music did go with the modern theme so I won’t be harsh because the whole place was experiential. The picture below has the regular latte cameoing with me “down by the river” (cue Chris Farley).

Third Time

  • Drinks Tried: Maple Latte and Cinnamon Brown Sugar Latte
  • Rating Now: 4.1/5 stars (added .1 because of consistency)

After my shift at the Natatorium-my mother and I decided to go to Asterisk. The weather was absolutely beautiful out. We were sweating by the time we got there and boy was it busy! I wanted to try something new and so did my mom. I got the Maple Latte and mom got the Brown Sugar Cinnamon Latte-both iced.

As we were walking back I kept sipping my maple latte. Very subtle taste-as I neared the end the taste was all down there. It was a little below average but I mean this has been the first time I’ve never really gotten a taste in my drink from them so I wasn’t too disappointed.

I had some of the BS-C latte and that was chalked full of it (more cinnamon than brown sugar)! To me, it tasted like Cinnamon Toast Crunch milk. Not too bad and I actually liked that one better than the basically non-existent maple.

4th Time

  • Drink Tried: Fall Latte
  • Rating Now: 4.1/5 Stars (still the same because it was like every visit I’ve had)

On a brisk September morning on a weekend home I decided to go to one of my favorite coffee shops. I actually wanted to see if they had seasonal drinks. Lo and behold-they did. On the menu above their ‘flavors’ was Seasonal: Fall Latte. The drink wasn’t described.

At the counter, I asked the gentleman what was in it. He was very quiet so all I could really hear was “brown butter, cinnamon, orange zest.” I hope that was all because that was all I tasted. Even though I usually get iced, I decided since it was a colder sorta morning I’d go with hot and hope it being hot would bring out all the flavors (that’s just how I think because with iced-you risk it getting a bit watered down. I was excited because I’ve never had hints of orange in my coffee so it was going to be a new experience!

They handed me the cup with a pink lid and I headed out near the water and began sipping my drink. It was warm enough to where I could continually drink it instead of wait for it to cool down because it was scolding.

The latte was super savory and all the flavors blended really well. The cinnamon wasn’t overpowering and the orange (that came after every few sips) made this drink fall resemblant. There was never a sip where I got straight espresso and milk-all the flavors came together to make a cozy, early fall drink. I hope they have something pumpkin soon.

*I later tried the iced version of the fall latte and that had more flavor and really brought out the orange. I really prefer the iced version!