The first time I heard about Lakeside Chautauqua was when my good friend Sarah had mentioned that her grandparents lived there. I didn’t think much about the place until one of the members of my cross-country team I was on said that her grandparents lived there as well. It wasn’t until my best friend Sophia mentioned maybe going up there after our half marathon in mid-August that I seriously considered going. I was with my grandparents a week before the race and asked them if they knew much about Lakeside. That is when they then mentioned to me that both of his brothers owned a house there. He then called his brother (Uncle Roger) and asked about Sophia and I possibly staying with him and my Aunt Jan. They happily agreed. My half marathon is in another story so I’ll skip that (under Bella Stories).

When we first arrived we had to go through a gate. In the summer, there’s a fee. Before I begin-here’s admission facts (per


UNDER 21: $17/day

*Yes, I know it’s expensive. That’s immediately what Sophia and I commented on before the trip there. The money is to go towards preservation and activities. I implore you to read the link provided on the numerous other passes and auto passes (yes, you do have to pay an auto fee as well)*

Continuing, we paid our fee and parked. The parking lot was well-maintained and we were very fortunate that we did not have to pay for a hotel room on top of the entrance fee. My Uncle Rog picked us up and we headed to their cottage. As we rode along, we noticed the laid back, back in time aura it had. All the cottages (I heard that’s what you call homes there) were reminiscent of that of 1920’s Americana and it was beautiful. Each cottage was different in style and also in color-some popping blues and bright yellow’s and pink’s.

First Night (August 2022)

After spending time with my aunt and uncle for a little to catch up and introduce them to my friend we headed to dinner. We went to the Hotel Lakeside (the upscale restaurant there). They were very understaffed (understandable as this was mid-2022 and businesses were still recovering) but our service was good nonetheless. I was absolutely starved and so was Sophia after our run earlier (not to mention our kneecaps were basically non-existent). I got the apricot jam flatbread. It contained apricot jam *duh*, goat cheese, mozzarella, prosciutto, olive oil, balsamic, and arugula. Holy crap was that good! Highly recommend-full blown chef’s kiss. Uncle Rog got candied brussel sprouts for the whole table-not a fan but then again I don’t like brussel sprouts in general so take my review with a grain of salt.

Afterwards, we went to Lakeside Coffee and Cream. It’s a popular place if you want your fix of either coffee or ice cream. The place was real busy but we found a seat by the entrance. We all had hot fudge sundaes and had casual conversation. It was good ice cream.

We went home but Sophia and I cruised on their electric golf cart (a common mode of transportation at Lakeside Chautauqua). We sped up the hill then put our hands up and sped down several times. It was super fun! But it is so calm at night with families walking around (mostly teens) and plenty of porch lights. It is such a safe community-so safe not many people lock their doors at night. An unheard of thing since the 1950’s and 60’s. We parked from time to time and walked especially down the big dock where you can swim and fish. We drove past the fitness complex, put-put, numerous restaurants, etc that we could only wait excitedly for to see in the morning.

Second Day (August 2022)

We woke up early (you’re darn right) and had coffee. Rog and Jan were going to go to church so we did. Sophia and I had a huge laughing moment as when given the grape juice for communion I took it like a shot and we both just started laughing for a long time.

When we arrived back to the cottage Uncle Rog went and got Patio Donuts. Never have I ever had better donuts. We got melt in your mouth cinnamon (mind you, all donuts are warm) and vanilla coconut. SUPER GOOD!

They wanted to drive us around some areas outside the community. We went to the Marblehead Lighthouse. You bet Sophia and I were like, “Hell no” to climbing up those stairs. If I somehow got up that lighthouse-because of my kneecaps-I would voluntarily tumble down the stairs just to get down-to save my kneecaps from the pain of course. We went into the mini museum and it was cool to see the history of Chautauqua and some artifacts.

After that we went to another stop and then went to a restaurant: Jolly Roger Seafood House. It’s overall not a bad restaurant if you wanted to dine out of Chautauqua. I had their dish reminiscent of a Buddha bowl. That was good. You can watch them batter the fish in front of you as you are waiting to order.

Back to Chautauqua. Sophia and I went out on our own to do some shopping and other things. We put put-ed first thing. It’s (when we were there) $3 a person. We had an enjoyable time putting our ball through the many obstacles and had a fun time. We went around shopping. Marilyn’s is where you can get absolutely anything-anything you think of it’s most likely there. Miss Mercedes was nice and full of unique gifts. Sophia and I bought sweatshirts from the North Coast Kite Co.. We then tried our hand at shuffleboard. We had no idea what we were doing but we had a blast. That’s what counts.

On a fun note, I was driving the golf cart (may not have been the best driver on the streets) and was followed by a Chautauqua cop-Sophia and I were nervous as hell but pulled away and watched the officer drive past. We thought he was going to stop us as he was tailing us lol.

We went back to Coffee and Cream and got smoothies. I got the Mango and that was, of course, delicious. But we toured Lakeside for at least 1.5 hours just looking at all the homes and such and we loved the atmosphere. Such a friendly community.

The pic above is taken on what is nicknamed ‘Ohio’s Most Beautiful Mile.’ As you walk you have the best looking cottages on one side and beautiful, vibrant flowers on the other (as well as the lake). We had dinner at the cottage but went to get ice cream at (I believe) Whistle Stop. Not as good as Coffee and Cream. We then went to watch the sunset and take photos. On our way home, all Sophia and I did was reminisce about the memorable trip and looked forward to the next one.

Second Trip (October 2022)

It came to be fall break at Mount Union and I wanted to relax. Rather, to go somewhere. I asked aunt Jan if I could spend time with them for a day or two there and sure enough I got the approval. I couldn’t wait to go back. We got to Chautauqua in the late afternoon and immediately went out to the dock and shopping. It was very windy and brisk.

*Side Note: Chautauqua access is free off-season*

We went to Marilyn’s. I noticed that many businesses were closed because it was off-season or had very limited hours. We drove around the golf cart some and then headed back. For dinner, we went to Slack House Cafe. I wanted to go there for there over-the-top shakes. My shake was Oreo. They had many photos of Lakeside taken by locals and the aura was nice. Food was average.

That night, I blared Elvis in my earbuds and was pedal to the metal on those streets. I went vroom vroom into the night and raced around the corners while doing karaoke to ‘Jailhouse Rock.’ The atmosphere was the same as the summer (just colder and my hands felt frozen to the wheel) BUT DONT WORRY ‘Suspicious Minds’ kept me warm.

The next morning I walked the mile and onto the dock. I only had 30 minutes until it was time to head to our next destination.

This trip was rather short as they wanted to take me to the Toledo Art Museum among some other things but I hope next fall break I will be back perusing the Chautauqua streets.

Third Trip (Aug. 2023)

After an early Akron 10k run with my good friend Sarah, I headed up to Lakeside for the weekend. I was excited for the trip ahead but I would be alone. In my head, I was planning things I would do alone but ended up saying ‘screw it, go with the flow.’ I knew that I was going to be videotaping lots for my project and had all the shots written down…or so I thought…I didn’t know what was about to lie ahead.

I arrived, paid the $17 plus $8 to park. *SIDE NOTE* go to the South Lot to park-it’s much cheaper than going through the main gate and paying the $15 to park. Anywho, Roger and his granddaughter Caroline picked me up in the golf cart. I had no idea that Roger and Jan’s daughter and her family would be there. I didn’t mind-I now had people to be with for a few hours before they left.

I’ll skip the sitting around we did and go right into what we actually did. For lunch, we headed to ‘Ooh La La’ a cafe type restaurant. This took over “Slack House’ which closed in the winter. I had an egg salad sandwich and when I tell you the slab of egg salad was THICK…it was the thickest slab of egg salad I’ve ever had in a sandwich. So good. This restaurant is nice for casual sit-downs or a quick eat.

We played shuffleboard for about 20 minutes until it started pouring down rain…for 1.5 hours. Then, after the rain, their daughter Molly, Caroline, Jan, and I went around the shops. I decided to get a coffee from Coffee and Cream (bc I hadn’t had one all day and was in desperate need lol). I decided to just go with a iced mocha-a basic for now. The iced mocha was decent…I’ve had better. I love the atmosphere of C&C: it’s in a previous owned cottage and revamped.

We headed back to the cottage when Molly wanted to play some Pickleball before we left. So, Molly, Caroline, Sam (Molly and Frank’s son), and I played. It was nice hitting the ball and pretending we were in Wimbledon. Some good volley’s were played.

When we got back to the cottage it started sprinkling again and the power was out. My phone was already at 75%. What Roger, Jan, and I thought would be a quick power outage…we were wrong. It lasted until 4PM Sunday.

After Frank, Molly, Sam, and Caroline left, I went up to the room I was staying in and laid there to relax for a few minutes and watch some TikTok (my phone after was about 65%). I was then called down to head to dinner.

To ‘The Patio’ we headed in the golf cart. ‘The Patio’ is best known for their donuts which are OH SO GOOD. Their food was okay. I got fried shrimp with cottage cheese and mashed potato’s. Jan and I got their ice cream (the PB Cup Ice cream was delicious) and Roger got a rhubarb pie.

We went back to the cottage for a couple minutes then went to the show for that night: Son’s of Serendip. SofS were America’s Got Talent finalists and have been performing all over the nation. Their show went on for 1.5 hours. The singer’s voice was beautiful and melodic while the pianist, celloist, and harpist were also amazing. Their rendition of ‘Somewhere Only We Know’ and ‘All I Want’ I now have downloaded on my phone lol.

After the concert, we went to C&C. I got the ‘Coffee and Cream.’ It was espresso and vanilla ice cream. My kind’ve dessert!

When we went back to the cottage there was still no power. By then, the house was pitch black so we lit candles. I went up to use the restroom and on my back was a Mayfly! Its tail was squirming and it was weird to look at. I took a vid of it for the project then shut my phone all the way off.

Jan and I rode the golf cart with me driving. We went to the dock. There were still lots of people there. The stars were bright and illuminated some of the land. We saw the big dipper. Jan and I drove through the campsite, the memorial, and downtown. We then cruised through the streets looking at the cottages (as well as in them…jk).

We were hoping when we got back that the power would be on…nope. The only thing that lit up somewhat of their cottage was Roger’s iPad and a candle.

I stumbled up the stairs as I was going to bed.

Second Day (August 2023)

Woke up…no power. Phone now at 55%. Not good. We went to C&C before church to get coffee. I got an iced Dark Chocolate Latte…now that was good. We then went to church, talked to Great-Uncle Chuck and Great-Aunt Sue afterwards, then went back to the cottage.

I had grapes for breakfast and read some. We went to Sloopy’s for lunch. I got Jeannie’s Pesto Pizza which was really, really good. That was a semi-quick stop and then we headed back to the cottage. Before my phone’s battery got too low, I went out on the golf cart for a half-hour to video-tape for my project. They aren’t the best video’s but their usable and since I’ll be back…I can def vid more lol. I walked the beautiful mile and through downtown, then just cruised.

It was a hot, sunny, wonderful day.

When I got back, Aunt Jan asked if I would like to go shopping with her at Marilyn’s 1 and 2. We shopped and joked around. I wanted to check out Smoothie Side but it was closed so we went to C&C. I got ‘The Buckeye’: iced latte with dark chocolate and peanut-butter. The chocolate and peanut butter blended well together and was a smooth, rich drink. We sat down in the seats and talked about various things then headed back. Still…no power.

We ate dinner at home and had steaks. Uncle Roger and I talked on the porch about various things. We had a nice dinner then headed out to the gazebo to listen to a group playing Jazz. I had 30 minutes left before I had to leave so I asked if we could get ice cream. We went to Whistle Stop. I got dark chocolate raspberry. One of my favorite flavors! We sat and people watched.

I was sad I had to leave (I get post-trip sadness but only for like 10 minutes lol…I also hate saying good-byes) but was happy I would be coming back again soon.


  • Is a place for everyone; however, the community consists mostly of families and elderly
  • Has been around for 150 years
  • Has many classes like sailing and rock painting for kids as well as many concerts during the season
  • In season is usually mid-May through mid-September
  • Has multiple hotels, many restaurants, and many shops
  • My favorite shop is Miss Mercedes and my favorite place to eat Hotel Lakeside
  • For more facts/things to know go to

*As I update this article with hopefully more trips, there will be more photos around Chautauqua…I promise!!*