In October of 2021, when COVID restrictions were somewhat lessening, the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland was opening up weekend visits for potential plebes (freshies). We drove the 6 hour drive over and walked around the Academy.

It was humongous and intimidating, especially the facade. The whole place was beautiful and sat right on the water. In the somewhat blazing sun, boats were sailing, cadets were running, and I was day-dreaming. Day-dreaming about the weekend or possibly my future? I don’t remember but every thought made me nervous. The campus laid out before me was daunting. It wasn’t just the campus but the entire regimen. Watching midshipmen marching or running in step all in perfect uniform, hearing ‘yes sir, no ma’am,’ plus more made me wonder if this was the life for me but this was what this weekend was about: to see if I would fit in.

The 1st Day

Time had come for all of us ‘future plebes’ to gather round and head into a building to get checked in then meet our upperclassman who would show us around for the weekend. It was evening by the time we did.

I remember beforehand sitting in a quick informational session and looking all around me. Everyone there was serious…I was not. I was really wondering…was I looking at this for ‘prestige’ because it was a Military Academy and it appeared ‘fancy?’ Now, I really didn’t know but what I did know was that I loved my independence. That played a huge factor.

My upperclassman was Charlotte. She was more masculine built but incredibly nice and relatable. Her and I got along quite well. She was like me…laid back and really didn’t give a shit (academically haha) but she was really smart.

That night, I watched her study and recite some facts she had to know about the academy and the Navy and met her roommates. We didn’t go to bed until late.

The 2nd Day

We got breakfast mess hall style. Powdered eggs, fruit, bagels. Hotel food basically. Can’t forget the Powerade that was at every meal. We then went to classes. Boring…I almost fell asleep in the chemistry class (literally was closing my eyes). We got coffee from the coffee shop. We walked through a museum. It was also a rainy day. She explained traditions like midshipmen climbing up a monument that was covered in soap. On the other hand, dinner was amazing. Many different options for food…like lots!! I’m a foodie so it was love at first sight.

Charlotte, her roommate, and I walked all around campus, across the bridge, through the many different buildings, and in the library. It was absolutely stunning. I can’t describe how stunning it really is.

At 3 A.M. I woke up to a blaring fire siren. We all had to get up and everybody was out on the Yard. We didn’t get back in until 40 minutes later. People were either shirtless or had no pants on. It was funny.

The 3rd Day

That day was basically wake up, get ready, then go back to your parents. The first night and second day were the main experience. I thought I would be working out early in the morning and truly immersing myself in the experience but really it was just shadowing. It was still a great experience and I recommend it for anyone who is thinking about going to a Military Academy. I believe USMA and USAFA offer this as well!

My parents toured Annapolis with its brick roadways and plentiful seafood restaurants. I can guarantee they won’t be bored.

That’s all I have. I’m writing this a year and a half later so I don’t remember a whole lot but if you have any questions about this-I’m sure I could answer. Adios!