Back when I was a super ambitious 16 year old wanting to go to the Naval Academy-a program recommended to go to was Girls State. In Ohio, it is called Buckeye Girls State. My application started off with an e-mail, then a phone call, then the physical application. The only reason the first two happened was because a girl from Summit County had not applied in (so I was told) a decade. Now that’s a mighty long time. Since it was a long time-no application for BGS was really available in Summit County because they figured no one was interested. I heard from others that they had to take a test to get in or something like that. Each application process is different. Since I was the only one who applied from Summit County-I got in just by sending the application.

Bella, what exactly is Buckeye Girls State? BGS is a program for upcoming HS seniors. It is dedicated to teaching these young ladies not only rightful citizenship in the US but also how the government works by having them run for positions and work those positions in a fake state.

I was super nervous. I was not really outgoing and didn’t like being in a group full of people I did not know.

The day to leave came and I got butterflies. The program was held at the University of Mount Union (little did I know that that would be my future college lol). I had never even heard of the University until then.

First Day (From What I Remember)

The line was long to register. There, I conversed with a girl who seemed to be too smart for her own good. She studied for the fake bar exam we had to take (I wanted to go into law at the time so I knew it was coming). She asked if I had studied. Pff no. After registering, I got my things and headed to my room. Because this was the first session after COVID we each got our own room. You bet I was thrilled. We only had a short time to unload and then head to that community room. My dorm was in Bica-Ross. I sat there but was immediately joined by two girls. They were on the opposite party.

Bella, what do you mean by opposite party? In BGS you have two parties. I believe they are named Federalist and Nationalist. You are identified by a blue or yellow lanyard. Also–you are separated (each dorm) into county and city. I was Underwood county and Montgomery city.

Immediately the first evening we had to decide the position we wanted to run for. Ambitious me ran for Attorney General. Part of me immediately regretted it. But, go big or go home right? I noticed that there were outspoken, very professional ladies from the get-go. Couldn’t be me. This was going to be an interesting week.

Second Day (From What I Remember)

Immediately it was wake-up, breakfast, then stations. I don’t particularly remember the stations. But, what I do remember is the bar exam. Long story short-I didn’t pass. Many didn’t pass. So my Attorney General dreams were over. Because I had gotten to know a girl (Steph) who was running for Senate-I decided right then and there to campaign with her. Another girl we had gotten to know (Cam) was running for House. When it came time to campaign-we three musketeers would campaign together.

Campaigning lasted about two days. It was grueling but fun. We got to know many other girls from different places and it made BGS more enjoyable because I knew more people. My signature phrase was vote for Bella the Baker who cannot bake. I could-but it was more memorable that way. After voting-some girls did come up to me and said they remembered that when they voted. Monday and Tuesday in total was a blur.

I didn’t end up getting Senate seat-I passed the first round of voting but not the second. I ended up working in the city as the head of fire and police. Regarding city jobs, you do not really do anything. I decided it was time to connect.

Friend Group After Voting

My Connection

There was an adult staff leader from the county I was in (Summit). I won’t identify that individual due to the fact we did not end on good terms. That story is on another article. That individual worked in law and I wrote a letter to them asking if we could talk and shared with them my ambitions. The next day (I believe Thursday) we sat near the chapel and talked for an hour and a half talking about their career and life (boy, if I could’ve seen the red flags from that convo but I digress). I was then offered to start shadowing at the Summit County Court of Common Pleas. The highest court in the county. An opportunity like that is not handed out every day. The link to that story will be posted here soon.


BGS came and went. It felt so quick. Overall, I had a wonderful time. I talked with many girls, played cards with new friends, campaigned and had a blast, as well as had many fun assemblies. I thought BGS would be this professional event but it ended up being laid-back and amusing. It was a blast. To say the least, I still consider that week to be one the best of my life despite my many other experiences. That would be one week I wish I could relive.

To any upcoming seniors living in Ohio who are reading this post-APPLY. Unknown opportunities lie ahead.