
  • Is a working farm where you can see sheep and goats
  • Has a campground
  • Tours available for the farm and big house
  • Is a ‘Shawshank Redemption’ movie site

Where is this located? Richland County near Lucas

What I Did

About 20 minutes from Mohican State Park lies the vast Malabar Farm State Park. I drove up the country rode and straight back to the Butternut Trail to see the cave. I parked right by the Maple Syrup Cabin and another cabin which had a pond. Overall, it was so peaceful and a beautiful, fall-weathered day.

I passed two log cabins where ‘Shawshank Redemption’ was filmed. I’ve never seen the movie but it’s now on my bucket list!

Soon, I reached the cave. It was covered in forest and looked wonderful to go into…so I did. Inside were lots of ledges and as I went deeper I lost light. I reached a narrow part and once I realized that my flashlight didn’t do justice I turned around and headed back to my car. It was a cool mini experience.

I parked by the visitor center, went in, and grabbed a cup of coffee. I talked to the shop lady for about 10 minutes and also got a postcard of Louis Bromfield with his car. There were goats and sheep nearby so I went and stood there to watch them. They immediately went ‘baa baa baa’ and it was all kinda cute. I walked on to the Big House and the Main Farm.

They weren’t giving tours of the Big House that day but the shop lady told me it is wonderful to tour in Christmas time because of all the decorations and lights.

I went past the Main Barn and saw horses in the distance but closer were chickens. They were running and very scattered going ‘bock bock bock.’ Fun to watch lol. A family was there watching the chickens too.

After that, I went back into the Main Barn to look around. It was empty except for the right side with some mini equipment and a photo cut-out (which I took a pic in).

Last I read, you can have a wedding at the Main Barn. Speaking of weddings, Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart were married here.

Overall, it was a great-mini experience and loved walking around the farm. To get the full-experience I recommend touring the house or staying in one of the cabins!!