
  • About 35 minutes or so from Geneva on the Lake
  • Has many areas to explore
  • Has a mile long natural beach

Where is this located? Lake County near Mentor

What I Did

This state park had many visitors when I arrived near 3 o’clock. I started off doing the Headlands Beach Trail which is a mile out and back (.5 out and back mile in total). It started off by walking a little pathway through some trees and then finally I started walking on sand!

I have never walked a trail on sand so this was interesting. What lay in front of me was a savannah of Coastal Little Bluestem-a type of low grass. I thought about running my hand through it but then said ‘nah.’

Fishermen in big black boots and bibs were heading back from their day of fishing with their huge fishing rods. Hopefully they caught something. Like Geneva earlier, the wind was whipping and the waves were crashing on shore. As I walked along, the sand became more mound-y there were pockets of scenery to go a little off the trail to get a closer view of the lake.

This side was calmer than the one to my left. Near the end of the trail, the Coastal Bluestem became less and the lake more visible. A white building marked the end of the one-way and I could see fishermen on blocks a little past that building. The waves crashed hard and sprayed high over their heads.

Once I came back from the trail I entered the beach strip.

There were lots of people/families walking along. I stood right by where the little waves were coming on the shore and looked out yonder. A lovely day. There were tons of different colored rocks and I took 2 for keepsakes to mark my adventure here.

Even though I explored a little of this state park between this, Geneva, and Lakeside I really enjoy the Lake Erie coast.