Over the course of these 3 days we will experience a lot haha! We will experience me being hit on at a restaurant, a creepy motel, making love on the Muskie Bucket (no not me), and much more!

St. Clairsville, OH

Where is this located? Belmont County

My first stop was to Aquila Cafe because I needed a coffee. A separate post will be made on this but just know (because I didn’t) it is in a church-‘The ‘Experience Church.’

Anyway, so I drove on and to be honest I just wanted to see how the Belmont County Court of Common Pleas fared to mine. Mine’s better lol. The town was very small but reminded me of Downtown C-Falls but 1/3 of its size. There was a lot of traffic going through it, though.

Barkcamp State Park, OH


  • Has a lake
  • Can hunt, fish, and camp

Where is this located? Belmont County near Belmont

About 1.5 hours from Mount Union, this was my first state park on my journey! I went on the Lakeview and Woodchuck Trail which, what my phone calculated, was 1.77 miles more or less. There is a small parking area near the start of the trail.

I crossed a bridge and started up stairs and into (as usual) the woods. I felt like because of the weather and leaves I was transported back into the fall. It was a super nice day.

There was a mix of dirt and grass and soon enough I reached the lake!

It was quiet and the lake was calm with barely any ripples. I came across another solo female hiker. There were streams I crossed over and many up hills; however, I made it through!

Overall, it was a very relaxing walk ahead of the long day and a half we will be encountering-but fun!

Wolf Run State Park


  • Extremely peaceful
  • Lots of places to camp
  • In the heart of Appalachia

Where is this located? Noble County near Caldwell

One of the best sites I’ve seen on my state park journey thus far-to say this place is peaceful is an understatement.

I was supposed to go on a trail, however, it was closed. There were two deer behind some trees. They were staring at my car as I drove past. I parked in a loop de loop and walked down the hill (there’s a faintly visible dirt path with moss). About 3/4 of the area was lake. I don’t know if it was because it was near sunset or the clouds or the weather or the trees on slight hills ahead but the sight was sweet. I stood between the two trees for about 15 minutes. There was a slight breeze.

All I can say: a must visit! One of the best places I’ve been to in my adventure so far!

Jesse Owens State Park


  • Honestly really not much for me to say except it contains the Big Muskie Bucket
  • A popular hunting area
  • Has a lake

Where is this located? Morgan County near Marietta

I’ve been here before with my great aunt and uncle a little over a year ago when they took me on a surprise pitstop to the Muskie Bucket. It’s a big bucket that belonged to ‘Big Muskie.’ This bucket could move over 39 million pounds of earth. For more info:


Anyway, I got out to take pics of the history portion and the bucket when I heard a sound like someone was loudly slapping their gums. I took some pics of the bucket and turned the corner when BAM! An older couple, making love and caressing, near the bucket. It was WEIRD and I have never turned around so fast trying to hold in a laugh so quickly in my life. I was just…shocked. Out of all the places but, hey, whatever suits your fancy, I guess.

Marietta, OH

Again, I’ve been here before with my great aunt and uncle. We went in the daytime when shops were open. I didn’t realize all of them would be closed by the time I got there at 6. There are some neat shops like a craft store (where I got a ‘make your own puffin’) and clothing stores (where I got a blue crop sweater).

This place looks like a bigger C-Falls reminiscent with the shops and restaurants against a river. They are quite parallel. The downtown scene was somewhat busy with a few drunks about lol (one tried to climb the light post).

I ended up going to 740 Social (where I went before) and the interior looks like a speakeasy. I ate alone which was a first. It felt weird but firsts always will be. My drink server, who made a mean strawberry lemonade, put his number on my bill. The female food server told me he thought I looked cute and I thought that was nice. We ended up texting later and he wants to go on an adventure with me. He looks like the same age range as I am.

I got spaghetti and meatballs. It could’ve been better. The mac n cheese I got before was hella good!

I left and headed to my hotel for the night. To be honest, it wasn’t supposed to be a hotel it was supposed to be a rest stop. Because I weighed whether I wanted to be a dumbass or not I chose the hotel route.

Lesson of the day: you’ll never know who you’ll meet, see, or do on your travels. Be open to all experiences and take chances (like texting the number your server gave you). Also, don’t be stupid lol and always look ahead. Be smart and like I’ve read before in books: plan for the worst so you’re prepared! Go to Marietta in the daytime so you’ll have more to see and do.

PAST EXPERIENCE: Before I forget, my aunt and uncle took me to the Campus Martius Museum because they’re history buffs. It’s a neat experience seeing some history. There are tours given of the log cabin inside. So if you’re into history, this is the museum for you!!

Strouds Run State Park


  • Surrounds Dow Lake
  • Multi-use trails including Bridle
  • Has a beach

Where is this located? Athens County near Athens/Ohio University

I woke up late but still went on the out and back trail I had planned on going to. This trail did not have views of the lake and was rather deep in the woods. There were a heavy amount of leaves on the trail as well as many fallen trees. Covering the roots was moss.

The trail I did was called the ‘White Pine and Vista Point Trail’ and as I mentioned it is out and back. There is an uphill at the start.

On the way back down I realized I lost my phone and a panic started overcoming me. I calmed myself down because I knew panic would get me absolutely nowhere. Ends up it was at the top of the hill near the start! I felt so relieved!

Forked Run State Park


  • Has a lake
  • Is 791 acres
  • Has disc golf
  • In the heart of Appalachia

Where is this located? Meigs County near Reedsville

This one was a somewhat fast stop as visiting 22 state parks in a weekend while exploring other areas isn’t the easiest task.

I parked in a lot near the lake (which was incredibly brown) and walked down to where the beach area was. There is a path that goes around the lake and I started on some of it. As is south-east Ohio, it is incredibly wood-sy. The trail was on a heavy slant and I kept walking, and walking, and walking, then BOOM I fell! I also slid down a little but managed to stop. My ass was covered in mud and so were my hands.

Not much to see here lol but then again I was only in one place.

Lake Hope State Park


  • Is 2983 acres
  • Is within the Zaleski State Forest
  • Has an iron furnace you can see
  • There’s a dining lodge
  • Also has an archery range

Where is this located? Vinton County near McArthur

Before, I headed over to Lake Hope–>check out my post on River Roasters Coffee that I went to!

I parked in a lot that had a scenic view of the lake with hills blanketed with trees. We love the woods!! I walked down the stairs (like 4 steps) and through the grass to get a closer view of the lake. It was completely still and I could see a parking lot across. The sky was clear with a slight chill so I stood there taking in the views. This and Wolf’s Run State Park would be the areas I would love to kayak.

I walked back and into the forest where there is an archery range. There are plenty of places to practice!

I got back into my car and drove further down the lot where I saw a shelter area. It looked well kept but the bathrooms were ass. The 3 lot parking area down by the lodge gives you a close-up of the lake and that was even more scenic than from the other one. You could see where the lake stretches out and the shore. I could swear I heard a man’s voice around me and I looked around to see if anybody was near…nope. Weird. There was a truck parked near me, though.

Lake Alma State Park


  • 292 acres with a 60 acre lake
  • Has an island you can walk on
  • Has a beach and playground

Where is this located? Vinton County near Wellston

I was most excited for the island you can walk on as it was something I haven’t seen before in a state park. There were about 4 older people walking around. The walk to the island goes like this: you walk on a gravel path next to the lake and to the other side is a gray border that separates you from the road. I blasted Elvis and walked. Don’t blast music if you’re walking in an enclosed area-this was more open.

I reached the bridge with red railings and crossed over onto the island!

There’s a path you can walk around the island but I decided to head straight uphill the ledge steps to get the views!

The hilltop was covered and leaves and trees surrounded the area. The views of the lake were spectacular-I could get a 270 panorama. I headed back down and onto the dirt and grass path.

There were bendy trees and sticks about. There were also slight ripples on the lake.

Jackson Lake State Park


  • One of the smaller state parks
  • Can camp and fish
  • Hunting is not allowed here

Where is this located? Jackson County near Oak Hill

With it being small, I was only here for about 15 minutes or so. It was fun; however, as there were two geese yip yapping for 5 minutes before flying off behind some trees to meet their friends. I did walk down to the gravel area by a dock. Mainly, this one is just campsites, a lake, and of course a forest!

Shawnee State Park


  • 1095 acres
  • In the back country of OH Appalachia
  • Within the Shawnee State Forest
  • There is a lodge and conference center

Where is this located? Scioto County near West Portsmouth

The trail I did was the ‘Lookout Trail’ which was near 1.5 miles in length and an elevation gain of 305 ft. The trail is mostly uphill and has switchbacks. Where I parked was near a roaring dam and went uphill immediately and onward through leaves, downed trees, and moss.

There were little creeks here and there and I soon got to a point where I was really high. The path soon became dirt with stones directing my path.

This was a semi-boring walk and the lookout wasn’t even one-it was just a sight covered by trees lol. If you’re coming to this state park I highly recommend a different trail!!

Lake White State Park


  • Perfect for boating, fishing, and paddling
  • Great for picnicking as well
  • There are two shelter houses plus a playground

Where is this located? Pike County near Waverly

A boring park for me because I didn’t have a watercraft. Nothing much to say except calm against a cloud and increasingly windy day. Honestly, only come here IF you have a watercraft.

I ventured onto my hotel for the night…I mean motel. I didn’t look deep enough into where I was going and, rather, at the cheapest price on Expedia. When I entered into the parking lot, I immediately did not feel comfortable. I was the odd car out against all trucks. A group of guys speaking Spanish were staring at me as I headed in and homeless people were walking around.

The guy at the desk spoke broken English and it took me 10 minutes to get checked in. This was just a motel I didn’t feel comfortable in. Still, I went to my room with my Chipotle and locked myself into my room and did not come out for the rest of the night.

Scioto Trail State Park


  • 218 acres
  • Has a campground
  • Can also fish and paddle

Where is this located? Ross County near Chillicothe

Online, I saw that this state park had a fire tower. When I left the hotel, got Dunkin’ Donuts and arrived, it was still dark. I, as a lone traveler, have my limits and walking alone in the dark surpasses that lol. So, I decided conquering my fears by climbing the fire tower (I have a fear of heights) at 7:30 was the way to go.

Scioto Trail SP is deeply embedded in the forest. Duh, it’s within the Scioto Trail State Forest which is near 9,000 acres!

I got out of my car, took a breath of courage and hiked up the stairs to the top. This experience was much better than the one at Mohican where the fire tower was somewhat swaying because of the strong wind. The view gave me a sight for miles. I could see the road right underneath me and small hills covered in trees miles and miles away. The sky was gray with no sign yet of the sun.

I climbed back down and read some of the signs that talked about forest fire management and chestnuts.

Hopewell Culture National Historic Park

Also in Chillicothe/the Chillicothe area are the Hopewell Mounds. These mounds are prehistoric American Indian ceremonial and burial grounds. I have never seen anything like it so I thought I’d take a pit stop.

There is a visitor center to watch a short film and look at artifacts; however, I just went on the grounds and walked around. The morning got slightly colder from Scioto.

There are many mounds to go to and read information about but the best one I read was Mound 7. This plaque described how they were made with clay, sand, and gravel. I’ll post a picture below so you could read, too.

Also, if you look right and diagonal, a flat, gray area is there reminiscent of ceremonial grounds of the past.

Great Seal State Park


  • 1,682 acres
  • Has disc golf and a small campground
  • Hunting is permitted in designated areas
  • Has many multi-use trails

Where is this located? Ross County near Chillicothe

I did a short trail for this one and that was the Fitness Trail. Like it’s name suggests, this trail has designated areas to keep your heart beat up such as a squat station, bars to work on upper body, and a stretching station. A hill also greets you at the beginning.

Overall, this trail was fun and I enjoyed its openness and grass path. Now, back into the woods!

Tar Hollow State Park


  • Full of roads that could basically give you a driving tour lol
  • A General Store is open seasonally
  • There is a campground and a 500 foot beach
  • There’s a fire tower!

Where is this located? Vinton County near Laurelville

A state park full of winding roads, I basically got a tour of it just from driving! The ground still autumn in color and trees currently in the winter season. When I started driving, I saw an open area with a bridge and a man walking his dog. I had no reception by this point.

Where was I headed you may ask? Of course, the fire tower! I had decided one wasn’t enough today so I vied for two! It took many turns and straightaways (about 10 minutes of driving) to finally reach the tower. I also should mention that I was very low on gas and desperately searching for a bar.

I climbed up and my knees trembled as this one felt higher than the last, but I ventured on up anyway. At the top, the view kind of let me down. The trees near the tower covered up the sight of the miles and miles of small hills way out there. They were peeking from behind those trees almost. I carefully stepped back down, typed in ‘gas stations near me’ and practically sped out of there to get enough gas to make it to…

Hocking Hills State Park


  • One of, if not the most, popular state park in OH
  • Voted as a Top Place to Travel by Forbes in 2023
  • Many well-known areas such as Cedar Falls, Ash Cave, and Old Man’s Cave

Where is this located? Hocking County near Logan

My friend, Sophia, and I said how this summer her, me, and our friends Sarah and Mary should get a lodge for a weekend and hike (since we are all outdoors-y girls). Since this was on my state park list and I needed to get it for my vlog, I decided to go test this one out lol so I can of course recommend this to my friends.

The trail I did was a semi-out and back trail from Old Man’s Cave to Cedar Falls. It was approximately 5.54 miles and took me two hours to complete. I was tired at the end but it was all worth it! I parked near the visitors center and walked a concrete path down some stairs to view some waterfalls. Already, this park was stunning. I started to understand why this one was everyone’s favorite. I crossed over a bridge with stone barriers and followed the arrow to Cedar Falls. To add, this area had at least 30 people here. Everyone from lone hikers to couples to families, all the age ranges and demographics were here lol!

Once I walked a little further I turned around to see the waterfall that I went over on the bridge. Lo and behold it was the cover of my OH State Parks passport!!

They were small streams pouring down into a pool of water. People watched from the sandy ground below. My trail kept me above. Also down below were wooden bridges; however, I don’t know where they lead to.

After a mile and a half near two of looking down ledges and peeing in the woods (twice now I’ve done that lol-here and Nelson Ledges) I found myself near Rose Lake.

SIDE RANT I walked behind people for nearly a half a mile. I didn’t want to look like a creeper and honestly I feel so awkward doing it. I look like a loner haha. The lake was ripple-y as the wind had now picked up. Soon after, I was crossing tiny streams and logs!

I finally had reached the suspension bridge and could hear the roaring sound of Cedar Falls.

I walked past a parking lot and down steps to where more people were gathered. The sight before me was wonderful. Cedar Falls isn’t a straight down waterfall but looks like a waterslide. It starts as a narrow stream then opens up to go around a rock then narrows back to fall into a pool of water. As you walk, the water goes from this brownish color to a lagoon blue color. There are some bridges you can go over.

The walk back to where I was parked, I now had the bottom point of view. This part was way more adventurous! I went down many rocks, skillfully having to place my foot to avoid slipping and sometimes the areas were so narrow I’d have to let other people pass me because there was only room for one person length-wise.

I did get lost at one point and crossed a log that led to a dead end. Realizing I just didn’t look hard enough, I had to walk through the FREEZING COLD WATER back to land. The water reached almost to my knees. But, when you’re on an adventure, you don’t really mind. I smiled the entire time. For the rest of my hike, my shoes sounded like squeegees.

I soon reached a ledge concave with a tiny, very tiny stream of water coming down. It was cool to walk underneath it. The stream was more like fast dripping droplets. Soon after, I reached a very narrow area covered with dirt and rocks with a narrow river of water to my left. Careful foot placement again.

I crossed another bridge with stone siding and saw another waterfall. It was all very pretty to see. A family and their dog were playing around on the sandy ground.

I knew I was at the end when I was climbing stairs and heard the voice of the masses. These stairs went under ledges and the straightaways were paved through rocks. My glutes were killing me as I climbed up those stairs, a spiral staircase, and a staircase in the dark. I passed the lodge and to my car. As cliche as it is to say, this one has been my favorite thus far. It’ll be hard to beat.

There was a coffee shop I wanted to try nearby called Hocking Hills Coffee Emporium. This won’t be a separate post because honestly it let me down. So much so, I took no photos lol. I will say, though, after a long day’s trek through Hocking Hills, this place is chock full of snacks and energy drinks, etc. This isn’t a specialty coffee place. Don’t be fooled by the specialty names because they’re just plain drinks. I just got a lavender latte. The lavender, I will say, was very strong and tasty.

Lake Logan State Park


  • 400 acres
  • Best for boating, hunting, and fishing

Where is this located? Hocking County near Logan

As we all know from looking at my journey’s going to lakes. You cannot do much if you don’t have a watercraft. I really don’t have much to say about this one except it has a building to buy some things/Hocking Hills souvenirs. I would consider this almost a tourist stop for Hocking Hills State Park. With this, I have to be honest here, why this is a State Park I have no idea. Sorry.

Burr Oak State Park


  • A resort park
  • There’s disc golf and an archery range
  • Has a dam…the Tom Jenkins Dam

Where is this located? Morgan County near Glouster

As I said, I only have so much time before it gets dark and since the trails are very short, I thought it’d be much more scenic to check out the dam. This state park is mainly a lake, though. There wasn’t much of a dam. Shall I clarify, it’s not the dam we are not used to seeing. It was a grass dam. Not the one like Alum Creek.

The area was quiet…not much to say except that. If you’re coming here, stay in the lodge and go hiking lol.

Muskingum River Parkway State Park


  • Many places to choose from-Lock 2-11
  • Locks operate at no extra charge for recreational boats
  • There’s a picnic shelter on lock #7

Where was I at? Lock #11 (Ellis)

There are many locks to choose from to look around this state park that is also on the National Register of Historic Places. There was a family that was here also walking around and through watching their reactions, they were really admiring the strong flow of water.

Where I parked was near where the calm water went down into the rushing flow. It was cool to see it as well as hear it. I walked to the other side as the family was walking to where I was. This side of the water was obviously disturbed and stretched past a bridge. Honestly, this sight could be a painting. Just a painting that shows off the smaller known areas. Like ones of the countryside.

Blue Rock State Park


  • 322 acres
  • Has diverse flora and fauna
  • Lake is 15 acres
  • Also has a campground and archery range

Where is this located? Muskingum County near Zanesville

Okay, hear me out! My GPS was dumb and left me in the middle of the road. So, technically, I drove through the state park and enjoyed the woods and trees *eyeroll*. This was a small state park so I don’t think I was missing much. The drive through was nice, though.

Dillon State Park


  • 2285 acres
  • There’s a sportsman area
  • Many multi-use trails
  • Has a 1360 foot swimming beach

Where is this located? Muskingum County near Nashport

I parked near the beach area and there were about 20 other people so this must be a popular area. I did see an area that navigated to a bridle trail and I could only be here for about 20 minutes as the sun was starting to set there was still a 50 minute drive to Salt Fork State Park that needed to be done!

The scene was lovely with the grass going down to the sand and the still lake. There were some orange hues on the far end of the lake. A woman was walking her dog down below on the dirt trail. For kids, there’s a playground and water/splash pad.

This is another one of those state parks I would go to again when I have more time. I really enjoyed the short stay I was here for.

Salt Fork State Park


  • Has 2 marinas
  • There’s an 18 hole golf course and the historic Kennedy Stone House
  • Has many trails and there’s also a lodge/conference center

Where is this located? Guernsey County near Lore City

I knew it would be near dark by the time I would get there so I had two options: Hosak’s Cave or the trail leading to the Kennedy Stone House.

Since I heard that the .1 trail to the cave was not only dangerous but gave Hocking Hills a run for its money I decided I’d check that one out. I also considered the fact that Salt Fork is an hour and a half from Mount Union so it’s not like I couldn’t come here again. I probably will, side note.

As I parked, I had a nice view of the lake with the trail behind me that a couple was just exiting. I wouldn’t say the .1 was dangerous. It’s only dangerous if you aren’t paying attention. There’s also red painted on the trees to help you navigate. There are some rocks to your left and right to look around at. I reached the wooden landing to stand and awe at this marvel. I wouldn’t say it gives Hocking Hills a run for it’s money but I would say this sight alone would boost this state park ahead of others. Sure, do I wish I could’ve seen more? Yep. But I know I have 2 more years at Mount and I’m sure many more opportunities to check out what more Salt Fork has to offer.

After seeing this I decided to stand and look at the lake. It was a very pretty last sight to see before I headed home.

This, ladies and gentlemen, concludes Bella’s SE trip. I did forget Pike Lake, but that’s now reserved for my SW trip!