• Address: 100 Reformatory Rd., Mansfield OH
  • What’s it known for? Shawshank Redemption, Air Force 1, a popular site for ghost hunters

My Experience (Intro)

I’ve been wanting to come here after my colleague (Carolyn) from the courthouse talked about it. I’d only heard bits and pieces about it and after Malabar Farm I looked up pictures. After I told my colleagues from HR that I was going, all of them knew of it including Dianna, who wants to do the paranormal experience. The night before, I watched the Buzzfeed Paranormal episode on the place. I couldn’t wait to check it out! Fun fact, I still haven’t seen Shawshank Redemption.

My Experience (1st Part)

It’s about 1.5 hours from Mount Union and once I drove up the pathway I was excited I made it. The facade was intimidating and the building is incredibly huge. I arrived at 11:10 (it opens at 11) and there were about 5 visitor cars here.

I walked up the stairs and got my ticket. If you’re a student it’s $23 and regular admission is $25. There were about 5 employees dressed in black OSR shirts waiting for, I think, tours. They all were very welcome and friendly.

I started my tour by going into the electric chair room which reminded me of ‘The Green Mile.’ An employee, Tom, came in the room and described the process.

The first floor has a lot of rooms with, of course, a lot of artifacts as well as interactive videos.

There’s a room dedicated to the prisoner band and ones with artifacts of Shawshank.

In the main entryway, there’s a section on religion with 3 original stained glass panes.

Another room was the Warden’s Office with a desk and a document of Red (a character from Shawshank).

The sign ‘His Judgement Cometh and that Right Soon’ hung above the safe used in Shawshank.

After walking into many rooms full of Shawshank pieces and a hallway with movie posters of Air Force One and Shawshank, I moved on to the older part of the building.

My Experience (2nd Part)

The upstairs hallway was filled with chipped paint and wooden floors. I liked this as it showed the originality of it all. That some parts were untouched. I went into a room that served as education with a blackboard titled ‘Reformatory Trivia.’ Then a room for solitary confinement.

I saw Brook’s room with a pink sink and green bed. There’s a cardboard cutout of him (and others in which some made me jump lol).

I then went up the stairs to the chapel. There was construction going on in this area and the smell was god-awful. I did internally gag twice haha.

The chapel was a neat area and was colored blue. Originally, there was a balcony but it’s been removed. Also, there was an attempted escape after a hole was discovered under a cabinet.

My Experience (the Blocks)

What I was most excited for awaited me, the cell blocks. There are 6 stories of cells and each cell is 7×9 feet. The size was a little smaller than half my dorm! Also, they fit 2 men to a cell! In some cells there was a bed, sink, and toilet. Some had just a bed and some just had a sink and toilet. I can’t imagine. The smell wasn’t what I thought I thought it’d be and actually, it smelled of nothing.

After I saw the blocks, I had found myself walking into the abandoned library. Books were strewn over the reception desk. There was also an information room and a legal room.

I then stumbled upon the hospital. The floor had puddles and smelled of sewage. This room was mainly empty and it was interesting to see the picture showing what it looked like in the past how this room was filled with beds.

After these two rooms I neared the West Block. These rooms were a little different from East Block. If you know Lil Wayne’s song Go DJ, the cell he used is in this area. Also, there’s the shower area.

My Experience (Last Part)

After the blocks, I walked through the Central Guard Room. This was the area where inmates families would be. This area overlooks both blocks.

I walked down the stairs and to the last part. The Warden’s dining room. It was nice but I would never want to live in a reformatory.

Next to this room is the gift shop and cafe! However, Tom came up behind me and asked if I’d seen everything. I said ‘yes’ up until he asked if I saw the ‘X.’ To that, I said ‘no.’

He said, ‘follow me’ and I sped walk behind him (he’s an extremely fast walker). He told me about the Air Force One gates and how there wasn’t communication to the prison behind the OSR that helicopters were coming so all the prisoners over there were preparing to riot. Also, there’s no fire escapes.

Another fun fact was that because of funding problems they had to delay construction. They received more funding from the selling of alcohol.

The ‘X’ is found near Brooks room. On the floor, the light from the windows makes an ‘X’ symbolizing the absolute center of this haunting place. It was neat to see and no wonder I didn’t see it. I don’t look at the ground when I walk which I guess explains why I trip a lot.

I ended up buying a postcard and headed to a coffee shop. The self-guided tour was amazing and I loved everything I saw. Next time, I’m going to do the ‘Behind the Bars’ tour so I can see more. Now, it’s time to watch Shawshank!