Throughout school we would use the saying ‘best friends forever (bff’s).’ We genuinely thought that it would be that way but boy were we wrong. We never thought about college and beyond-just the present. Freshman year was just getting through freshman year. Same goes on for sophomore and junior year. Senior year was really when you started to think about the future. Where am I going to college? What am I going to study? Blah blah blah. The more you thought about the future the more you thought about leaving your friends…or at least I did. I was scared because I didn’t want to make new ones and oh God…replace them. But I was told it would happen because life moves on.

I can tell you right now I only talk to about 5 or 6 from HS when I had 3x that in HS. When I came back from my first year of college I saw a friend I used to talk to walk past me in a Panera. You know what we did? A passing ‘hello.’ That was it. No stopping and having a brief conversation. Just a smile and hello. That’s what happens when you go to college. Your friends from there dwindle heavily.

I will say social media does help keep you up with the times. But are they really my ‘friends’ on these apps? No, not really. Some of them I only follow because I say to myself ‘eh, I knew them in HS for a bit so I’ll follow them I guess.’ with most of them having had no conversation since the last day of my senior year.

When you all go to different colleges you move on. I said the last day of my senior year ‘screw school I can’t wait to leave.’ I immediately made new friends from the multiple organizations I met in college and forgot about the ones in HS.

But that’s what happens in life. You move on and people are there for seasons. I was told that college friends will be with you longer than HS. Already, that has proven true.