Every region is different: Southeast in the mountain area, Central is more flat with Columbus, Northeast was a mix, so of course I was excited to see what Southwest was all about: 14 State Parks needed to be seen, I was going to see Cincy for the first time, there was fun to be had in hippie Yellow Springs, we had to have a learning component in Dayton, and there was lots of coffee to be drank during this day and a half trek. I was also bringing my good friend Sophia with me so I knew we were going to have lots of fun!

Kiser Lake State Park


  • Perfect lake for fishing
  • 396 acre lake
  • Bridle and Hiking trails

Where is this located? Champaign County near Conover

We woke up at 6 and headed out at 6:30 to start our 3.5 hour trek to Kiser Lake State Park. Before we hit the road, we got a Dunkin’ to fuel (as well as hype) ourselves for the drive.

We finally reached stop #1 for the day and it was a calm day on the lake. I parked in a gravel-ish parking lot and got out. It was a very windy and chilly day. By the car, there was a stretch of gravel and rock that we could walk on to get a more panoramic view, if you will. The scene my eyes beheld was boring with the gray tones and such. Certainly a place for a sunny day.

Buck Creek State Park


  • Can boat with unlimited horsepower
  • Camping available with 25 cabins
  • 2400 foot sand beach

Where is this located? Clark County near Springfield

After around a 40 minute drive with the sun now playing peeking in its game of peek-a-boo, we parked in a parking lot across from the (closed) gate leading to more parking spaces and the beach. The moment we got out of the car, our toes and faces were frozen. Our clothing was not enough to keep the wind from freezing us!

We walked past the closed gate and onto the property where the lake and beach were. Not to give spoilers or anything, but the majority of these state parks have a body of water…actually, I’m pretty sure all of them do. Also, we will be in the heart of farmland.

We stood on the top portion of the building and took panaramics of Buck Creek. There were stairs that led down to the beach…no one was there lol. This did seem like a nice place to hang out for a few hours and wouldn’t quite scratch it off as a place I’d never visit again. There are trails that accompany Buck Creek and not just a reservoir.

John Bryan State Park


  • One of the popular state parks
  • Public rock climbing and rappelling area
  • 10 different hiking trails

Where is this located? Greene County near Yellow Springs

Although there is so much more than what Sophia and I saw, we were on a definite time crunch. We went on, for a short time, the mountain bike trail and then saw the sign and that general area. Out of all the state parks we visited, this one was the busiest. Although we didn’t see much here, I implore you to go on a trail!

Yellow Springs, OH

What can only be described as a hippie 70’s feel, this town took the top 5 of my favorite Ohio towns immediately. It was fairly busy and the sidewalks were crowded with tourists, residents, and people asking how we felt about redistricting. The faint smell of weed blew through the wind which matched the 70’s feel. Sophia noticed a shop across where we parked called “Tweedle-D’s” and lo and behold…it was a weed shop!

We found a coffee shop (amongst many) called Dino’s Cappuccino’s. That’ll be a separate post. After Dino’s we headed on forward and walked the streets. Lot’s of ethnic restaurants were around especially Asian and Indian and some with 70’s fonts. I took a picture next to a mannequin. Once we took a full loop we headed onto our next state park.

Overall, we loved this town. It was different and unique but definitely deserves its spot on the list of Ohio’s Best Small Towns (many websites).

Little Miami State Park


  • Is a 50 mile linear park
  • Can paddle and fish

Where is this located? Greene and Warren County spread over 50 miles

This one was a bit harder to find as, at the time, I didn’t know it was 50 miles. It’s like Muskingum River Parkway State Park in a way as it has many entry points. We did pass through/stop for a quick minute and saw the river. Because I didn’t have a watercraft, I couldn’t enjoy the park to the fullest but make sure when you do visit here…have a watercraft!

Caesar Creek State Park


  • Large lake
  • The forest part has over 65 species of plants
  • Hopewell Day Lodge to rent
  • Has bridle and regular use trails

Where is this located? Warren County near Waynesville

Right by Little Miami State Park is the Caesar Creek State Park Beach. We were tired of seeing just lakes so a beach along the lake we went to!

The lake is humongous! I would recommend being on it for a full day if I could.

Cowan Lake State Park


  • Popular for swimming, kayaking, and fishing
  • There’s a nature center
  • More than 8 miles of trails

Where is this located? Clinton County near Wilmington

One of our favorite sceneries out of the entire trip-this one reminded me of Wolf’s Run State Park. The little mountains against the lake and there was also running water headed down near a dam. It was very pretty amongst the cloudy sky.

Paint Creek State Park


  • 5652 acres!
  • Can boat, hike, and disc golf
  • Has a nature center and camp store

Where is this located? Highland County near Bainbridge

After pit-stopping at all these state parks we decided it was time for a short hike. As we drove to the Harmony Trail start we noticed the deep gorge and ledge and it was fascinating. Right near the parking lot was a stream and big trees.

The Harmony Trail led us along the stream and after being surrounded by dirt and leaves green sprouts were now around us and covered the whole ground. Perfect for springtime!

We turned around and headed back-still fascinated by the deep ledge. Back to the car we noticed a sign talking about large trees then headed onto our next stop!

Rocky Fork State Park


  • 2080 acre lake
  • Can boat, water ski, and hike
  • Reservable shelter houses available

Where is this located? Highland County near Hillsboro

In a land called Rocky Fork State Park there were plentiful geese about…like 100. Not kidding. The first thing Sophia and I noticed was the abundance of geese haha. Beyond that, the sun was still high in the sky and beaming down on the lake portraying a pretty picture. We didn’t experience much here except seeing the lake. Rumor is, this park is popular to water-ski.

Pike Lake State Park


  • Man-made lake/13 acres
  • Cabins and a family campground

Where is this located? Pike County near Bainbridge

Now, this was supposed to be on the SE OH post but I was so excited about that adventure I skipped over it on my list! So, we did a detour to this tiny lake…saw it for a few minutes…then drove away. There were two geese. We did walk out onto the wooden bridge to get a better view with the lake and two buildings but honestly, there’s not much to see here.

Adams Lake State Park


  • In the bluegrass region
  • No camping
  • 50 acre park

Where is this located? Adams County near West Union

I’ll keep it brief-small lake and we saw a goose that looked like it came from a fairytale. That’s all folks.

East Fork State Park


  • 7480 acres
  • Has a beach
  • Good for archery, backpacking, hunting, mountain biking, fishing, etc

Where is this located? Clermont County near Bethel

Ahhhh, do NOT go 48 in a 30 unless you want to be pulled over. In all honesty, we took a wrong turn and didn’t see the speed limit sign. Getting pulled over is no fun but thank you Officer Thompson for the verbal.

After cracking jokes about what the scenario could have been, we drove down to the water and got out. The sun was just starting to set which made the reflection beautiful against the hill scape.

You’re GOSHDARN right though I drove both hands on the wheels at a 25 as I passed Officer Thompson haha…THE story of the day.

Stonelick State Park


  • 1,000+ acre park
  • Hosts stargazing events on select nights
  • Can boat, fish, hunt

Where is this located? Clermont County near Pleasant Plain

We finally had reached our final destination of the day and we were exhausted but the sunset made it worth it. The lake was very peaceful with barely any ripples. It reminded me of Madison Lake State Park with the stillness and sunset.

What was funny though were the guys filming a truck they were trying to sell and they were VERY thorough lol. After that, a guy in a beat up Honda was doing donuts.

The parking lot started to fill up right after we left…maybe this was the select stargazing night?

Downtown Cincinnati

After saying at Extended Stay in Blue Ash (apparently a great Cincy suburb) we arrived at the parking area near Lola’s Cafe. It was $10 for 12 hours.

The first thing we did was walk down to the John Roebling Bridge. I was excited to walk on this suspension bridge as I saw it in a lot of the photos when I looked up Cincinnati. I was also excited to be walking in Downtown Cincinnati as I love downtown’s.

The bridge barely had anyone going over it at 7:45 in the morning. It was beautiful seeing the sunset over the river and fascinating stopping for a moment to be in two states at once lol.

After 15 minutes on the bridge we headed back upwards to start walking through downtown. We captured a photo on the “Sing the Queen City” sign and took in the smell of food as we walked past many restaurants.

As we walked through downtown, we both said to each other that the city was truly neat with Sophia saying “better than Cleveland.” There were lots of neo-classical looking buildings across from modern ones. We walked past many more businesses from hotels to the Paris Baguette Bakery. We stopped and looked at the business “Tokyo Kitty” and wondered what it was and peeked through the window and saw the pink walls and the pop-art. Ends up it was a karaoke bar! The variety of buildings kept getting diverse from neo-classical, brick, art deco, rusty, etc. Even with all the diversity, nothing felt out of place.

The area we turned back around was Piatt Park. We walked under the arch structures and up to the Ohio’s First President statue in front of a cathedral. There was an old man sitting on the steps of his apartment, a man walking his dog, and a runner.

On the way back, we walked past a few murals like one with birds that either looked like pigeons or doves (I’m going with doves). After a few minutes we reached Fountain Square. The fountain was interesting and I think that was the only word Sophia and I could come up with. We did like the lady’s pose at the top. I had to use the restroom and for the first time ever I was in a restroom that smelled like nothing but urine and I had to sit on metal seats…but hey…it’s a city!!

Before we left, we headed into Lola’s Coffee Shop. I’ve heard it’s one of the best in Cincy and their PB&J coffee was one of the best I’ve ever had!

Hueston Woods State Park


  • Has a lodge
  • Can golf (18 holes), fish, boat
  • There’s a half mile trail full of Haiku poems

Where is this located? Butler County near Oxford

About an hour later (with the most scenic and nice drive I’ve ever taken on my adventures) we reached Hueston Woods State Park. There was a lodge and the parking lot was near full. We immediately got out and enjoyed the ever increasing temperature. We had to walk to the back of the lodge to reach the lake and it was a nice shade of blue with a wall of trees some distance in the back. Perfect for boating. There were many benches for just sitting, relaxing, and taking in the views of the lake.

Dayton Air Museum

Before we headed to our historical component of the trip, we decided it was time for another coffee break and went to Ghostlight Coffee (aka best coffee in Dayton). In the tiny spot, we were lucky to find a spot and as we expected…the place was very busy.

In short, because there’s a separate article, loved the place and thought it was cute and cozy but I didn’t really like the coffee I got: the Stardust Latte. It was different so I got it haha. The lavender was extremely overpowering and for the first time…I didn’t finish my coffee. Shocking! It was lavender and toasted marshmallow flavoring with whipped cream and sprinkles on top. Their bagels were soft and scrumptious. I got the Tuscan herb and garlic bagel with egg and cheese. Best breakfast sandwich I’ve ever had ngl.

After that, we headed right on over the museum. It was very busy and we didn’t know what to expect. By the way, it’s free admission! We walked in and straight to a fork in the road: early years or WWII? We headed to early years first. With only an hour to explore, we somewhat briskly walked through the exhibit. I loved seeing the plane replicas specifically the ones that looked like they were soaring above you.

Of all the people here, they were mostly families. Tons of kids…that looked like they didn’t want to be here haha.

Before the WWII section, we headed through a section in between where there was a gallery of uniforms. From the Korean War to the Cold War there was A LOT to look through. An hour is NOT ENOUGH I would say half a day is necessary. We walked through planes, watched videos, and read some (very few) things. It was very interesting walking through JFK’s Air Force One. We saw missile’s and space. Finally, we reached the WWII section and thought that was interesting and walked through a bunch of areas talking about different events of the war with videos. There was an area showing different countries uniforms during that time.

Overall, this will take a half a day to do. There are many exhibits to see, things to read, videos to watch, and replicas to walk through. I’d like to come here again just to see beneath the surface we scratched.

Sycamore State Park


  • A wooden oasis
  • Can paddle, fish, hike, and horseback ride

Where is this located? Montgomery County near Trotwood

Before our 3 hour drive home we decided at this state park, hiking would be best. The Ghost Hedge trail was the one we did. We went the wrong way first and saw an overlook and a meadow. On the right way, we saw a creek and listened to the trinkling sound of water you could only find in a meditation tune. It was relaxing.


This area was Ohio’s motto: “the heart of it all.” Rich in farmland, barns, and country homes, it was hard to say there were boring drives. Not only was there farmland, but the places we stopped like Yellow Springs and Cincinnati were a nice break from the fields. Unlike Southeast Ohio, there is a lot to see here and probably the best region I’ve explored thus far!