I went to Zoar in September for a class trip. The class I took had to do with utopia’s so it only made sense that we went to Zoar. Zoar is a village in Tuscarawas County. It is also a designated Ohio National Historic Landmark.

Bella, what does Zoar have to do with a utopia? Well, let me tell you. Up until 1898 it was a utopian Christian community. It had farms, shops, and factories. It was it’s own working community of Zoarites. To learn about how they lived was fascinating when I thought it would be boring.

The Tour

I rode with a group of girls 30 minutes to this place. When we got there, you could tell some were thrilled! Yippee-a living history museum!

The above picture is that of the Zoar hotel. Nothing much was really said about it except that William McKinley had a favorite room. Across is the Zoar store (where our meeting place was). We were divided into two groups and started our tour. The guide I had was really steeped into his history.

Our first stop was the dairy house. Let me say, the process to make the butter was really interesting. We all were kind’ve in awe of the process.

I really do not remember the exact order we went in. Most of the houses were really dilapidated but since they were original (not all of them)-it was understandable.

There was a schoolhouse-which in our utopia class we learned that a lot of utopia’s had their own schooling.

I do remember the Town Hall which was the museum of Zoarite artifacts and also the dining room, kitchen, and laundry. That all was just learning of which the information I received I didn’t retain lol.

The photo above is, what I believe, the most run-down house there. I’m pretty sure the man who lived there also died in there.

We went to the bakery and, of course, learned how they made stuff. Because of the group size I had to be in the conjoining room. I couldn’t hear much of what she was saying (because of a class clown and some foolery lol) but I do know a ghost story was involved.

We walked past a lot of the buildings while not going in most. My favorite part was the garden. It was really beautiful with lots of flowers. The garden is my background photo of my blog.

The tour came to an end and as long (and sometimes boring) as it was-do it at least once if you’re somewhat interested.

Info is here: https://historiczoarvillage.com/