
  • 411 Acres
  • Good for disc golf and also has a dog park
  • Can boat, jet-ski, and water-ski

Where is this located? Summit County near New Franklin and Akron

Shoreline Lake Loop

Before I begin my story, here is a little info on my Lake Loop. It is a total of 4.77 miles and gives you sights of Turkeyfoot Lake, Latham Bay, with glimpses of Rex Lake. On the other side of Turkeyfoot, there’s Mudd Lake (but you don’t see that on this trail). Near the Wetland State Nature Preserve there is the East Reservoir and Long Lake and North Reservoir as well as West.

On my trail, there are slight up hills and a very long straightaway. However, there’s lot’s to look at.

My Experience

On a chilly, somewhat windy day I headed out to Portage Lakes since it’s about 20 minutes from my home. I first stopped at Muggswigz to grab my hot latte. When I parked in the parking lot it was completely empty. At this parking lot there’s the site of Turkeyfoot Lake and there’s also a playground. The start of the trail is gravel then goes into dirt but my feet were crunching on leaves.

The trail starts of mainly in the woods with still the sight of the lake by my side.

Soon, you’ll come along a wooden fence and if you turn right you’ll be able to walk further to get better views and a close up of the lake.

There’s also a boat ramp. When you go back you’ll come across a dog park and disc golf areas. There’s also a sign that says ‘shore line trail 3.25 miles’ NO-it’s 4.5 near 5 miles lol.

As you continue during this part you will have many views of the lake and also follow the blue dashes-we don’t want to make the same mistake from Mosquito Lake State Park. Anyway, for a while you are on a dirt path and have many photo-op spots with the lake as well as opportunities to go off the trail and go towards the lake (which I did many times). I met an older man and his shepherd dog, Halo (who wanted my coffee haha).

Once I was on the grass that’s when I started to go away from the lake and in a big field area and that’s where I think they are building another possible lake or something but there were white trucks everywhere and dug up dirt and pipes. It was interesting to walk through.

After a long straightaway I came across another lake.

I met another older man and his grey dog Sally. Sally kept following me because she wanted the lead and kept having to tell Sally to go back to her owner. She was such a cute dog and I was smiling and laughing a lot because her owner kept cracking jokes. She eventually went back to her owner lol. I got back to where the lake was by my side where there was what looked like to be a blue boat of some sort.

This trail merges into the Planet Path where there are signs talking about different planets. Uranus was the best one-jk I’m very immature lol.

This path was very boring and I went straight alongside a neighborhood for what seemed like forever.

Near the end was a Tudor House and back at Turkeyfoot Lake and I saw my car in the parking lot with now more cars.

I was soon back on the gravel trail and walked right along the shore. It was nice seeing little ripples come on the shore.

The end was a pole and a worn down sign with 270 degree views of the lake. I saw lake houses and trees on a little mountain from afar.

Even though it was super cold and cloudy, I really enjoyed this walk and wish I knew about this state park sooner! With this one-I have officially completed all 17 in the NE region 🙂