
  • Has many trails and lake
  • Has disc-golf
  • Has a manor house
  • Great for any season

Where is this located? Geauga county near Newbury Township

The Way There

This one was more of a definite country roads vibe. It’s also by Burton, a village. When I went through its roundabout, cars were parked in every lot. It was also a very nice, sunny day.

I entered Punderson and went in the direction of the Musher’s Trail. There were about 3 other cars parked.

What I Did

This post is going to be short because I didn’t do much here. I did a small grass loop trail with flowers. Very open-air and somewhat in the woods…if one could say that. The part that was in the woods was the disc-golf course. Two people were playing when I went. I then walked back to my car. I was on the complete other end of where the main things were. I hope I can come back and do more.